ladies and gentleman, marion sak is leaving g-vegas. she has completed her mfa at ecu and we are all soooo excited for her! shown here is "circle neck", a forged silver and gold necklace- gorgeous!
betty mckim is awesome! she has been making some fantastic new jewelry and doing shows in the raleigh area. check out her website:
Melissa Manley rocks the house once again! Check out her site,, to see more of her metal and enamel work. I am looking forward to seeing her in Wilmington on the 5th.
the season for reunions! my recent move back to PA from NC has connected me with many friends from the past. sharing my studio for a day with sarah donegan was a blast. the edinboro university alumni metals show opening (beyond studio 9) brought a group of metalsmiths together this past wednesday for discussion, laughter and some rockin' metalwork. i look forward to more time with familiar faces and places.
Adrienne M. Grafton is an artist currently residing in western Pennsylvania. She received her MFA in Metalsmithing/Jewelry from East Carolina University in 2005. Personal memories and the emotions these memories evoke inspire her work. Her solo show, Departed, will be open from October 1-26, 2018 at the Anne Rudd Galyon Gallery on the Greensboro College campus with a closing reception October 26th from 3:30-6pm. It will feature sculptures influenced by her emotional state following her mother’s passing. For more information contact Brittany Sondberg at To see Grafton’s work visit